Erika here! Finally... I know... I am really bad at keeping up with this whole life thing...
Rollers balls are my GO-TO for everything for so many reasons. They are convenient to take with you everywhere, they keep you from using TOO MUCH of your oil, and they are SO simple that you might just start thinking, “Okay, is this TOO easy? I must be doing something wrong.”

Roller balls are also really great when you are using oils with babies and children. The carrier oil will dilute the essential oil so you won’t have to worry about putting a HOT oil on sensitive skin or putting too much oil on such a tiny human! Safe use with oil is always key.
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Gathering Supplies
All you need to make your own roller balls are:
1. Your selected Young Living Essential Oil (I’ll use Lavendar and Cedarwood in this example).
2. 10 ml glass roller ball from Amazon.
3. Fractionated coconut oil (having one with a pump makes it easier) or your choice of carrier oil.
Below you will see links to the ones that I typically use.
Making your own Roller Balls:
In this example I am making a calming/sleep supporting roller ball. I will be using Lavender essential oil which has a very calming aroma and is known for its use with babies. I will also use Cedarwood essential oil which is one of my favorites for the way that it supports our body! According to my essential oil pocket reference book, Cedarwood works on the pineal gland which releases melatonin to the rest of our body. With this purpose, it is going to support the systems of our body that need some calming down!
1. Add 5 drops of Lavender essential oil to the 10 ml glass roller ball.
2. Add 5 drops of Cedarwood essential oil to the 10 ml glass roller ball.
3. Fill the 10 ml glass roller ball to the top with fractionated coconut oil or your choice of carrier oil.
4. Cap your roller ball without pressing on the ball. This takes some real skill and patience. YOU CAN DO IT!
How to use your ROLLER BALL:
As mentioned in my previous post, essential oils can be used three ways: Aromatically, topically, and by ingestion. Roller balls will be in the category of topically. They have a handy little rolling ball that allows you to roll it on your pulse points or on your feet (if you don't like the smell). However, if you're running low on what is inside your roller ball, don't think you can't just stick it up to your nose and BREATHE DEEP. You absolutely can! You will still get the benefits of what you are breathing in.
Roller Ball Blends to Try:
Below are some of the blends that I have tried and loved. I will also tell you their purpose and how they will support your body!
1. 5 drops Rosemary, 5 drops Vetiver, 3 drops of Lavender, 3 drops of Cedarwood.
This is my FOCUS roller ball blend. I use it before studying and before exams. Rosemary is great for supporting systems in our body that help us memorize. Vetiver supports systems that will help us focus and really dial in on what we are SUPPOSED TO BE doing. Lavender and Cedarwood I toss in there for scent and because they are calming. Nobody wants to be off the wall while they are trying to focus!
2. 5 drops of Thieves and 5 drops of Oregano.
This is your WINTER WELLNESS roller ball. This will support systems in your body that fight against infection. This keeps your body ON GUARD and may keep you above the wellness line when all your friends are at home sick.
3. 5 drops of Raven and 5 drops of Peppermint
This is your BREATHE AGAIN roller ball. You could use this as an ALL NATURAL chest rub or just rub it on your pulse points like all the rest.
Roller balls
You will see two links for Roller Balls. Weird, I know. The clear ones I typically use when I am teaching a class and need to buy them in BULK. The amber ones with the gold top I buy for myself because I like to get FANCY sometimes!
Coconut oil – fractionated!
I have used several different kinds of fractionated coconut oil but I really trust this one. The reason? Because I also use it on my eyes to take my makeup off. If you didn’t know that was a natural trick—YOU’RE WELCOME!
Young Living Essential Oils
If you’re interested in Young Living Oils, find me on Instagram (@erikacusic) and send me a DM. If you’re not into that, below is a link where you can handle it ALL yourself.